HIPPY Expands in NT
A successful early learning program will expand its coverage in the NT this year due to funding commitments from the Australian Government Department of Social Services. The Home Interaction Program for Parents and Youngsters (HIPPY), currently offered by Anglicare NT in Katherine, will commence in Darwin and Milingimbi early this year. HIPPY is a free home-based early learning program that supports four and five year old children to have a positive start to school.
HIPPY provides families with a home tutor, free activity packs, materials and storybooks and regular group meetings with other participants. Parents and carers are encouraged and empowered to read, play with and undertake educational activities with their child for around 15 minutes per day, five days per week, over the course of the two year program. HIPPY is provided by a trained home tutor who supports the parent during home visits and parent groups. HIPPY benefits children by preparing them for a confident start to school, building their self-esteem and confidence in learning and providing opportunities to enjoy time with their parents.
The expansion of HIPPY will create employment opportunities for program coordinators and home tutors who help parents and children at home with fun educational activities. Home tutors are parents in the HIPPY program who are doing the activities at home with their own children at the same time as being employed to help other HIPPY families.
HIPPY Katherine is currently enrolling children who are around 4 years old. Call Anglicare NT in Katherine on 8963 6100 or email hdingle@anglicare-nt.org.au to register or to find out more about HIPPY. For more information on HIPPY in Darwin and Milingimbi please phone Anglicare NT on 8985 0000.