headspace Celebration
headspace Darwin celebrated the official opening of their new centre at Casuarina and headspace National’s 10th birthday. headspace Darwin was opened in 2007 with Anglicare NT as the lead Agency. The birthday celebration provided an opportunity to showcase and highlight the need for high quality, youth-friendly mental health community services for all young people in Greater Darwin including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people; GLBTIQ young people, CALD young people and their family, friends or carers. headspace Darwin also celebrates accreditation against the National Standards for Mental Health Services.
There was something for everyone at the opening. Activities included a photo booth, op shop, movie room, yoga session, art exhibition, a visit from Ralph the Therapy Dog and a huge chocolate cake. The opening was attended by the talented multi-disciplinary headspace team (past and current), Youthspace members (past and current), community partners, Anglicare NT Board Members and Mrs Natasha Griggs MP.
headspace Darwin is a FREE youth friendly health & wellbeing service for young people aged 12-25 seeking information and help for mental health and wellbeing. headspace is located at 13-17 Scaturchio St, Casuarina and can be contacted by calling 08 8931 5999.