Making Anti-Poverty a Priority
Anti-Poverty Week, held from 16-22 October, aims to strengthen public awareness and understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty in Australia and internationally. Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians and more than a billion people around the world are desperately poor. Anglicare NT is involved in several events during Anti Poverty Week that aim to raise awareness of poverty and hardship.
Anglicare NT ReStore Op Shops will hold a clearance sale on Tuesday 18th of October 2016. Most items will be on sale for $1 and other goods will be half price including designer wear, homewares, shoes and electrical goods. A free barbeque will be held at the ReStore Op Shop in Ludmilla from 11am-1pm on Tuesday 18th October at 5 Nemarluk Drive, Ludmilla. Free ice cups will be available at the Millner ReStore shop from 11am-1pm at the corner of Sabine and Trower Rd, Millner.
Dave Pugh, Anglicare NT CEO, will be speaking at an Anti Poverty Week forum hosted by St Vincent de Paul Society (NT). The forum, to be held on Thursday 20th October from 5-7.30pm at Darwin City Library, will also include guest speakers Olga Havnen CEO Danila Dilba Health Services and Helen Egan, CEO Team Health.
Headspace Darwin will also hold an information stall at the City of Palmerston’s Anti Poverty event on Tuesday 18th October from 2.30-4.30pm at the Gray Community Hall. Headspace will be distributing merchandise, toiletry packs and information on headspace services and Mental Health Literacy.