In financial trouble? Ring 1800 007 007 for free advice
Posted: 04/03/2025
Gambling advice, no interest loans, help understanding debts, budgeting advice, help with talking to banks or big business and help with creating a realistic payback plan – these are are…
CEO opinion piece - Kindness, not cruelty: rethinking our approach to children who break the law in the NT
Posted: 20/02/2025
Each year on February 20, the world marks World Day of Social Justice - a reminder of our shared responsibility to build fair and inclusive societies. This day should prompt…
Couch Surfing - raising awareness of youth homelessness
Posted: 12/02/2025
The annual Couch Surfing event, coordinated by Anglicare NT and City of Darwin, is on Youth Homelessness Matters Day - 16 April 2025. The day brings together young people, families,…
$24 million housing infrastructure for Katherine is seriously good news!
Posted: 04/02/2025
Craig was on ABC News talking about how dire the housing situation is in the region. Anglicare NT is involved in three housing and homelessness support programs in Katherine, including…
Parenting help is here!
Posted: 21/01/2025
Being a parent is truly amazing but it can sometimes be challenging. That’s why our Resolve service offers Tuning in to Kids workshops in a small, friendly group setting. Run…
‘Our way of giving back’ Area9 serious about donating to not for profits
Posted: 13/01/2025
You wouldn’t know it from the outside, but IT specialists at Area9 have a special connection with a program at Anglicare NT that supports young people leaving out of home…
Anglicare NT Annual Report 2023-24
Posted: 09/12/2024
Anglicare NT was pleased to host our Year in Review meeting on 28 November 2024 in Darwin. Our board chair Richard Giles launched the Annual Report and Jason Elsegood, owner…
Tent to transitional housing
Posted: 03/12/2024
Max had been on the Territory Housing waitlist in Alice Springs for 9 years. He’s a common example of how long people have to wait, and how they get through…
Find out about Care Finder in your language!
Posted: 19/11/2024
People aren’t always aware of what services are available and there to help them. Care Finder is a free national program that helps vulnerable older people learn about, apply for…
5 top tips to reduce gambling harm
Posted: 18/11/2024
Australians love to gamble, and the data shows us the harder a person’s life is, the more likely they are to gamble in a risky way. Financial counsellors are trained…