Anglicare NT Ltd – a new legal structure is born
The Chair of the Board of Anglicare NT, Mr Richard Giles announced recently that Anglicare NT will renew its governance arrangements to bring Anglicare NT in line with modern community not for profit organisations across Australia.
Anglicare NT has been operating to date as an unincorporated agency of the Synod of the (Anglican) Diocese of the Northern Territory. The Diocese and Anglicare jointly decided to separate Anglicare’s operations from the Diocese by incorporating Anglicare NT as a company limited by guarantee.
The newly formed company (Anglicare NT Ltd) has a constitution which outlines the continuing commitment to Anglican principles and ethics. The objects and mission of Anglicare NT remains the same as it continues its commitment to providing welfare, social justice and community development programs for Territorians.
Mr Giles said “the current Board of Anglicare NT will continue on as the Board of Anglicare NT Ltd thus ensuring continuity and a smooth transition to the new governance arrangements.”
Chief Executive Officer Dave Pugh said, ‘This is a very exciting step for Anglicare NT as we adopt a governance structure that is more agile and contemporary. There will be no changes to our current operational and staffing profile, in fact these changes provide clarity and certainty for the Diocese, government, our staff, volunteers and most importantly for the people we work with across the Northern Territory as Anglicare NT will be well positioned to plan for the future”.
Today, Tuesday 30 June 2015 marks an important day in the life of Anglicare NT, with the formal signing over of documents from the Synod of the Diocese of the Northern Territory to the new legal structure Anglicare NT Ltd.
Present for the signing was Bishop Greg Anderson, Diocese Registrar Leeanne Zamagias and Dave Pugh Chief Executive Officer of Anglicare NT.
Dave Pugh read a letter from the Board of Anglicare NT Ltd to the Bishop and Registrar thanking the Diocese for its guidance and support of Anglicare over many years and for the courage and wisdom to separate Anglicare NT into its own legal entity.
Bishop Greg Anderson said ‘today is a special day in the life of the Anglican Church in the Northern Territory, because we have launched Anglicare NT out in its own boat and we trust that Anglicare will continue to pursue the mission of Jesus in pointing to Gods way of compassion and justice’.
Bishop Greg on behalf of the Diocese gifted in perpetuity to Anglicare NT a Painted Dug Out Canoe.
The new legal entity Anglicare NT Ltd will take effect 1 July 2015.