Children’s Week celebrations in Alice Springs
Anglicare NT’s Communities for Children Program in Alice Springs are collaborating with local organisations CREATE Foundation, Tangentyere Council, Congress and Lutheran Community Care to organise several events to celebrate Children’s Week.
Children’s Week, held from 24 October to 1 November 2015, celebrates the rights of children to enjoy childhood. It is also a time for children to demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities.
Gala Dinner
In partnership with CREATE Foundation, Tangentyere Council, Congress and Lutheran Community Care, a Gala Dinner has been organised for Tuesday 27 October at Olive Pink Botanical Gardens. The cost is $50 per person and includes pre-dinner nibbles, BBQ buffet, dessert and entertainment. Colleen Gwynne, the Children’s Commissioner for the NT will be the guest speaker. For tickets contact Bree or Elizabeth 8951 8000 or purchase on line.
Family Fun Afternoon
A Family Fun afternoon is being held on Thursday October 29th @ Alice Springs Plaza from 3-5pm. The afternoon will include performances by local children, children’s activities and information stalls.
Art and Photography Exhibition
An exhibition of photography and artworks created by local children and adolescents will be held at the Alice Springs library. The exhibition launch will be held on Friday 30 October from 4-6pm. Artwork submissions close Friday 23 October. For information on how to submit artwork please phone Elizabeth on 8951 8002 or email