Couch Surfing – raising awareness of youth homelessness

In the Northern Territory, over 3,000 young people aged 12- 25 years are homeless on any given night (ABS 2021).

To raise awareness of this tragic reality, each year Anglicare NT and City of Darwin coordinate the Couch Surfing event on Youth Homelessness Matters Day. The day brings together young people, families, schools, community organisations and supporters for couch surfing races, decorated couch displays and information stalls to raise awareness of youth homelessness.

We invite you to get involved –  put together a couch racing team of young people, decorate a couch for the best decorated competition, hold an information stall or donate prizes for young people.

Date:                Wednesday 16 April 2025
Time:                10.30am – 2pm
Location:         Civic Park, Darwin

For more information, contact Phil at Anglicare NT on 8946 4800 or email