Farewell to Anglicare NT Board Member
The Board of Anglicare NT farewelled long term Board member The Very Reverend Dr Keith Joseph at its meeting on 23 February. Keith has been elected and confirmed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of North Queensland and commences in the role on 31 March 2019.
Keith has served on the Anglicare NT Board for over five years. He is knowledgeable in the areas of social justice, cross-cultural work and climate change and his contribution to Board deliberations in matters of ethics, strategy and values has been considerable.
Anglicare NT CEO Dave Pugh addressed the congregation at Keith’s last service at Christ Church Cathedral in Darwin and thanked Keith for his friendship and support. He also noted that many managers at Anglicare NT have appreciated Keith’s insight and support. We wish him all the very best in his new role providing leadership ascross the vast area of Northern Queensland.

CEO Dave Pugh addresses the congregation at Dr Keith Joseph’s last service at Christ Church Cathedral.