Find out about Care Finder in your language!
People aren’t always aware of what services are available and there to help them. Care Finder is a free national program that helps vulnerable older people learn about, apply for and set up aged care services and community supports. Over the past year, Anglicare NT Care Finder staff have assisted 149 older Territorians to link up with eligible services, helping them to live the life they want with dignity.
To help more people find out about Care Finder, Anglicare NT have developed a suite of brochures in various languages and had spoken versions recorded in Kriol and Warlpiri.
Philip Melly, our Care Finder worker in Katherine, said it was great to see brochures in different languages and hear Walpiri and Kriol language on the Anglicare NT website.
“More people can find out about the Care Finder program and we can help them get the best access to services. Having resources in language will help with my outreach in Katherine and I am so excited to have a pamphlet in Swahili,” said Philip.
Kriol and Warlpiri Care Finder information is available on our website in spoken format.
Contact us on if you would like to request a Care Finder brochure in:
We thank the NT PHN for funding the development of these multicultural resources through the Cultural Engagement project.
Care Finder is operated by Anglicare NT in Darwin, Palmerston & Rural, Katherine and Alice Springs. It is funded by the Northern Territory Primary Health Network (NT PHN), an Australian Government Initiative.

Philip Melly with translated Care Finder brochures.