New Reconciliation Action Plan Launched
On Friday 7 October the Anglicare NT Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was launched in Alice Springs by the Chair of the Board, Mr Richard Giles. This new Stretch RAP, Anglicare NT’s second RAP, will govern our reconciliation activities until 2019. Anglicare NT’s vision for reconciliation is a society that acknowledges and values the unique place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, accepts our shared history and embraces equality and equity.
At the launch, Richard Giles said “Anglicare NT treasures our RAP as it embodies our long-standing commitment to being a culturally safe, empowering and respectful organisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and the community. Through our RAP we live our organisational values of ‘Respect’ and ‘Community’”.
“The new RAP has been approved by the Executive Management Team, the Board, and endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. Today we are launching it and we are excited about the new commitments to stretch our organisation and further embed our commitment to reconciliation”.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of the RAP Implementation Committee (RAPIC) for their hard work in consulting and advising the development of our Stretch RAP. I am proud of the work of RAPIC and highly value this staff driven process”.
At the launch Kumana Inkamala, an Anglicare NT RAPIC member from Alice Springs, presented information about NAIDOC and Reconciliation Week activities that were held in Alice Springs and the great support received by local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with these events. She raised the importance of collating information over time from local Aboriginal elders on traditions, culture and history, and showing that we are learning and evolving from this knowledge.
The Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-2019 and the matching poster can be found here.