New Strategic Plan Launched
On Friday May 27th the Chair of Anglicare NT, Mr Richard Giles, launched the agency’s three year strategic plan. CEO Dave Pugh also spoke at the launch about the focus of the plan on values, foundations and principles in addition to goals and actions. The Chair also launched a set of values posters to be displayed in each office. Please view the Strategic Plan here.
Here is the Chair’s speech:
Today we are pleased to be launching Anglicare NT’s plan for 2016-2018.
Since we launched our last plan here in Nhulunbuy in April 2013, Anglicare has grown and improved . As a result of the last plan we are stronger and more effective. We have grown by 30%, but more importantly our services and systems have matured significantly. Of the 50 priorities we set, 85% are completed or well progressed. This is why planning is so important – it helps us be a better and more effective organisation.
Our achievements from the last plan include:
- Consistent cultural awareness training
- Stronger partnerships with Aboriginal organisations
- A focused communication role with refreshed brand, intranet and website
- Quality systems, policy and procedure library and document control processes
- Online Staff Induction tool
- Major upgrades of our information technology systems
- A property plan
- Incorporation as a company limited by guarantee
- Active social policy and advocacy agenda
This plan for 2016-2018, which I am pleased to launch today continues this journey of continuous systems improvement and provides a road map for the Board, management and staff for the next three years.
Where will that map take us? Well, it’s a map, not a destination. We need to be flexible and adaptive. We do not know exactly what policies and priorities from government and needs from the community might impact on our choices, but we do know the broad direction. Priorities in the plan reflect the principles of purpose, flexibility, quality, respect and community.
Firstly, you will notice that the documents launched today emphasize our values and guiding principles. These are the approaches that shape us, even when change and challenge occurs, even when aspects of the future are uncertain or unpredictable.
The plan emphasizes our foundations – our deep connection to the outreach work of the Anglican Church, shaped by the teachings of Christ. Similarly, it reflects our firm foundation of respect for Aboriginal culture, identity and knowledge.
We have set for ourselves some ambitious goals. If we are to be a truly transformative organisation, making the NT a place with ‘social justice for all’ we need independent income. In this plan we will seek to develop income independent of government grants through both fundraising and business development.
We run many services and in this Strategic Plan we are putting additional emphasis on demonstrating that our services are effective and evaluated. That’s why our actions include documenting our innovative work and strengthening our connection to research.
Change is constant and we must evolve with the changing needs of the community. We need to actively seek client feedback. We need to prepare for client controlled funding in the NDIS and aged care sectors. We need to innovate and develop new services for the organisation.
Our staff are our greatest resource. This plan drives improvements in Anglicare as an employer, in the way we supervise, in our staff retention, and in our Indigenous recruitment.
This plan was developed through a process of dialogue. We conducted focus groups in Alice Springs, Nhulunbuy, Darwin, Katherine and with the Board and the Executive team. Now it is every one in Anglicare NT’s responsibility to make it happen. The Board will be monitoring the CEO’s actions and work, and in turn we hope that all staff contribute to the action within their sphere of influence. We know it is a good plan. Let’s ensure its implementation leads to the fulfilment of our purpose of “the enrichment of relationships, fullness of life and social justice for all”.