‘Our way of giving back’ Area9 serious about donating to not for profits
You wouldn’t know it from the outside, but IT specialists at Area9 have a special connection with a program at Anglicare NT that supports young people leaving out of home care. Since 2018 Area9 have made a no strings attached donation of $500 every month to a program we call Moving On.
“We have always tried to give back to the community and not for profits” said Area9 Director Johnny Politis. “We trust that organisations know better than us about what they need to spend our donations on, so we give to the Moving On program, but they decide how they need to spend it” he said.
“We know funding is limited and we want the money to go as far as it can” said Rob Thompson, Enterprise Manager at Area9. “That’s why we look for organisations and groups that are like minded to us, and are working in areas we believe in. We donate to over eight causes, so as you can imagine, this is an important part of how we give back through our work.”
Why Moving On?
Moving On is an after-care support and brokerage service for 16–25 year olds who have left the care of the CEO of Department of Children and Families and need support to maintain independence.
At Anglicare NT there are many small but mighty services like Moving On where people get the support they need. As a general rule the longer a service is funded for, the better the team can plan for the future, which in turn means better long term outcomes for the people using the service. Regular long term donations from organisations like Area9 are incredibly valuable to the longevity and potential impact of services we offer.
Mardi Tschirpig manages the Moving On program and says Area9 have donated upward of $39,000 over six and a half years. “Area9’s donations go towards increasing supports for young people, this could include brokerage for emergency accommodation, food vouchers, phone credit to increase safety, household items and essential emergency private healthcare, such as dental procedures”.
We always need support
A whopping 88 programs are run by Anglicare NT, catering to a wide range of needs. If there is a program that resonates with you or your business and you’d like to make regular donations to that program, please get in touch. Your donation will go directly to the program of your choice.
Contact us through donate@anglicare-nt.org.au to find out more. We’d love to hear from you 😊.