10 September 2015 is World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day. The international theme of World Suicide Prevention Day this year is ‘Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving Lives.’ It is about speaking up to reduce the stigma around talking about suicide prevention safely. It is about standing up to make a positive impact on our mental health and wellbeing. It is about being self informed and aware of support and services available to all those touched by suicide and those building a resilient community to prevent suicide.
Sometimes life can be painful and problems can seem overwhelming. Some people may think about suicide but do not act upon it. For others, suicide seems like the only way out of their situation or the feelings they are experiencing. They generally feel very alone and hopeless. They believe nobody can help them or understand what they are going through.
Anglicare NT is proud of our range of services that support those in need and those working in the mental health and suicide prevention sectors. Anglicare NT partners with some of the leading organisations in Australia to provide Territorians with the best possible care and support. We provide community information and training, intensive case management for vulnerable people and support for those bereaved by suicide.
headspace Darwin is an early intervention program that supports young people’s mental health and wellbeing. headspace Darwin provides a range of services including counselling, support and specialised mental health services to young people aged 12-25.
Supporting those who have been bereaved by suicide, StandBy is a coordinated 24 hour community response service for families, friends and associates. Top End Suicide Intervention & Awareness Training Project provide suicide intervention and awareness training at a subsidised rate to government and non-government agencies, the general public and targeted communities across the top end of the Northern Territory.
For more information on these services contact the Community Wellbeing Team on 8985 0000.