Yes to IYSS
A story from this year’s annual report…
Adding to Anglicare NT’s portfolio of youth services in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin, the Intensive Youth Support Service (IYSS) was launched at the beginning of October. The service is a first for the Northern Territory and Anglicare NT is proud to be able to work with the NT Government to pilot and shape this new approach to earlier intervention.
This program is for children and young people aged between 10 and 17 who have been involved with the Department of Children & Families, who are engaging in behaviours that place them at significant risk of further serious or emotional harm.
The intensive support provided focuses on both the individual and family members, and aims to ensure young people are given the tools and support they need to take them into a happy and successful adulthood. The approach builds on Anglicare NT’s commitment to working in preventative and innovative ways with young people and their families.
Anglicare NT executive and operations managers joined the new IYSS teams in Alice Springs, along with Jill Faulkner from the Australian Childhood Foundation (ACF), for two days of program training before the service was officially launched on 3 October 2014. Jill and the ACF work within a Trauma Informed Framework and will provide skills development and best practice guidelines to IYSS team members Thomas Ambrose, Carly Kennedy, Jacquiline Varghese, Tina Ah Wing, Mel Crawford, Steve Gardiner and Di Barker.
The team is excited to commence work and looking forward to seeing young people develop strong, stable relationships, connections with appropriate services, sustainable and safe living situations and the resilience and skills to walk through life confidently.