Communities for Children Alice Springs
About Us
Since 2010, Anglicare NT has played a crucial role as the Facilitating Partner for the Communities for Children program in Alice Springs.
The program facilitates a whole-of-community approach to support early childhood development and wellbeing, with a focus on children from birth to 12 years and can include children up to 18 years and their families. The service delivery scope encompasses urban Alice Springs, Sandover-Plenty, Yuendumu-Anmatjerre, Tanami and Petermann-Simpson.
Alice Springs Communities for Children is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Our Vision
Every child has the best possible chance in life to grow up healthy and strong.
Our Community Partners
The Ingkenteme Arrernte Cultural Education program supports Arrernte children and young people to learn about their culture from Elders on their own country; to follow in their footsteps on a cultural journey.
Australian Childhood Foundation
OurSpace NT – Care for Carers is based on the Bringing Up Great Kids parenting program. The service aims to support parents and carers to review and enhance their patterns of communication with their children, to promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self-identity.
Holding Children Together is a therapeutic service that aims to reduce the impact of complex trauma and neglect on children aged 5 to 12. The service seeks to strengthen the child’s family and broader relational networks, in turn increasing the child’s experience of safety and improvements in their social, emotional, psychological and behavioural functioning and wellbeing.
Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council
Health and Wellbeing for Anangu in Remote NPY Communities aims to encourage creativity and exploration of different nutrition options. It will assist Anangu living in remote communities to overcome some of the barriers to their overall health and wellbeing. Through material assistance, along with education and support, NPY aims to improve food security and assist with meeting the increasing number of requests for food from Anangu families.
The Early Years Learning and Wellbeing program is delivered on Country through the leadership of Elders and cultural educators, alongside Western-trained teachers. Children experience an education that spans both First Nations and Western learning systems. Through this program, First Nations children grow up strong in utnenge (spirit) and are confident to be First Nations people in a global world.
Further information
Visit the Australian Government Communities for Children website to find out more.
For regular updates, follow us on Facebook @ Communities for Children – Alice Springs
To see what other support services are available in Alice Springs, check out the NTcommunity Online Directory
Contact us
Phone: 08 8951 8000
Email: cfcalicesprings@anglicare-nt.org.au